UK & EU Business Presence


UK & EU Business Presence

Think Big, Think Global - Start Small, Grow Steadily. Depending on what you do, Ghana is too small a market to grow your business in or from - Just about 31m people with less than 18m being above 18 years (and less than 3m people of this number in gainful employment to patronise your products, and not to even think of the Purchasing Power Parity).

It is no doubt that the UK and EU provide better business-friendly environment than Ghana. These developed economies have less useless regulations and red-tapes. You don't need to be resident in the UK or EU to incorporate and effectively run a business in the United Kindgom or Europe - You may even have your business incorporated in Ghana and in the UK/EU to benefit from global business opportunities.

Your business needs a second home outside the shows of Ghana, and we briefly outline some of the advantages of going global - not necessarily through us, but we stand ready to assist you if you're an existing web hosting customer of our platform:

• Easy Business Registration

It will typically take you less than 4 hours to get a business registered and receive your business certificate in the UK - Rarely will it go beyond 24-48 hours. And the UK allows, one-person member Limited Liability Company registrations, unlike Ghana.

And it will typically take you less than 7 days for most parts of the EU to get a business fully-registered.

We can offer UK & EU Business Registration on Credit Terms and/or Flexible Payment Plans, including Registered Office Services, for existing webhosting customers of the Platform.

In fact, there are some funding types and/or amounts requests from us that will require you to be incorporated outside of Ghana, preferrably either in the UK or Mainland Europe.

• Easy Bank Account Setup

You may even get your business bank account setup for you on the same day you get your business registration documents. We may even forward your UK/EU business registration details to a bank onboarding team to set it up for you immediately, if you do your business registration with us.

• Multi-Currency Pricing

You can price your products and services and collect same in any currency you want, not just the Pound or Euro, when you incorporate your business in the UK/EU - unlike Ghana, where it's forbidden to price or quote in US Dollar or index against any foreign currency.

• Better Regulation & Compliance Framework

Innovation is always ahead of regulation, and regulators in the UK/EU acknowledge this forward-thinking - but one cannot say the same for regulators in Ghana who seem to act to suppress the private sector.

• Ease of Business Capital Raising

It's extremely far easier to raise a UK/EU-incorporated business at very competitive rates and terms than a Ghana-registered business. And you get to attract larger sums of business funding than you would do in Ghana.

• Defective Equity Financing Space

The structure of the equity financing space in Ghana is restrictive and not forward-looking.